The author is the managing editor for Hay & Forage Grower.

Nov. 27, 2019
Nestled in the Marble Mountains of northern California lies the Scott Valley. At the valley’s northern tip, you’ll find the small community of Fort Jones...

Nov. 26, 2019
If you grow alfalfa, and if you grow corn for silage or grain, not taking advantage of the nitrogen provided by a terminated alfalfa crop is like flipping dollar bills into the toilet.Apparently, this...

Nov. 25, 2019
A favorite movie of mine is the 1991 flick “City Slickers,” which starred the likes of Billy Crystal (Mitch) and Jack Palance (Curly)...

Nov. 19, 2019
I found myself sitting in a pasture, camera in hand, amongst a group of very docile Angus heifers at the East Tennessee Research and Education Center a few miles south of Knoxville...

Nov. 18, 2019
It was still wet . . . really wet in northeast Indiana when the calendar turned to June. As the Google Maps lady directed me past grain bins and still unplanted fields of last year’s corn and soybeans...

Nov. 12, 2019
Most married folks learn over time it is often beneficial to avoid known topics of controversary, especially when they involve the other’s small quirks. Such a strategy just leads to a more happy an...

Nov. 5, 2019
As the growing season comes to an end, the hay buying and selling season begins.It’s still amazing how many round bales get sold on a per bale/roll basis rather than by weight. It’s a practice tha...

Oct. 29, 2019
Don and Nancy Hasselquist sold their dairy herd back in the mid-2000s; however, that wasn’t the end of their haymaking days.“I wanted to keep my heifers and raise hay on the erodible ground, but I...

Oct. 22, 2019
Alfalfa has been identified as one of the crops that is eligible for government payments to farmers as a result of the retaliatory tariffs imposed by China on agricultural crops — alfalfa hay among...

Oct. 22, 2019
Many regions have now or will soon reach the point when significant alfalfa regrowth won’t occur if the crop is cut one more time. Research has historically shown that cutting when the chances for r...