Name any Upper Midwest state and there’s a good chance widespread alfalfa winterkill is being discussed.Although no year is a good year to be looking at brown alfalfa fields in the spring, the timin...
If you’re in the business of producing forage, there’s a high likelihood that you manage the land that grows your crops. Many of you also manage livestock...
The dynamics of the hay industry have changed. Whether it can just be attributed to a natural cycle or a permanent new normal is yet to be determined. One year ago, USDA re...
Winter cereal forage has fully transitioned from a niche crop to that of a crop rotation mainstay on many farms. The fast-growing nature of cereals makes them a perfect double-crop fit with several co...
Technology in the livestock industry is catching up to our brethren on the cropping side. We can now point to livestock activity monitors, robotic milkers, GPS livestock tracking systems, and pasture...
It’s true. When it comes to alfalfa, the holy grail is to achieve high yields, high quality, and a long stand life. The latter is often called persistence.We’ve talked about these production compo...
It’s been one of the biggest changes in the forage industry during the past 10 years. That “it” refers to putting up high-moisture hay as baleage, which can result in some of the best forage you...
The February average price for both alfalfa and other hay types looked very similar to that of January’s in the USDA’s latest Agricultural Prices report. The average February alfalfa hay price de...
Many livestock producers view the practice of grazing alfalfa as a form of Russian roulette. The differences of opinion among this group usually comes down to how many of the chambers they think are o...
Albeit delayed, the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently posted the U.S. hay export totals for 2018. For exporters, the news wasn’t particularly good, but it could have been much worse.T...