The author is the managing editor for Hay & Forage Grower.

June 5, 2018
The all-hay and alfalfa hay price averages both moved significantly higher during April based on USDA’s most recent Agricultural Prices report released last week. The all-hay price hit $162 per ton...

June 5, 2018
Every farmer has done “it.” That “it” is to walk a new forage seeding field that just never developed. There is nothing more disheartening than a newly seeded hayfield or pasture that for one...

May 29, 2018
Rain is both a blessing and a curse to the haymaker...

May 22, 2018
Consumer sales and profits generally spike dramatically during the last two months of the year as the Christmas season is accompanied by a flurry of gift buying and giving — for better or worse. Acco...

May 15, 2018
If you’re one of those hay producers who has stuck it out through a period of lower prices, take heed because times are changing. On the heels of USDA’s Prospective Plantings report that predicts...

May 1, 2018
“Do you want to fly with me and check out the crops?” That was the question I got more than 25 years ago from a fertilizer dealer in my county who also had his pilot’s license. I had never flow...

April 30, 2018
There are some people you meet in life whom you’ll never forget, nor do you ever want to. For me, count Ted and Patsy Hughes in that category...

April 30, 2018
Herbert Hoover received plenty of accolades prior to his presidency for a wide range of humanitarian efforts. He was overwhelmingly elected as our 31st president in 1928...

April 30, 2018
Webster defines the word unique as “being without a like or equal.”...

April 24, 2018
It’s likely that about 30 percent of round bale users are not removing the net wrap or twine on bales before feeding or processing. That was a finding from the South Dakota State University (SDSU) o...