Sept. 6, 2016
Labor Day is in the rearview mirror. It’s no longer possible to change the hybrid, plant density, pest management, fertilizer strategies, or the summer weather...

Sept. 6, 2016
All-hay and alfalfa July average prices each dropped slightly in USDA’s most recent Agricultural Prices report released last week. The all-hay price dipped $3 from June to $131 per ton, which is $21...

Aug. 30, 2016
Extending the grazing season into fall and early winter doesn’t just have to be about stockpiling perennials or growing cereals and ryegrass. Many livestock producers have incorporated brassicas int...

Aug. 30, 2016
Though the dog days of August still plague many parts of the United States, the winter pasture season is just a short trip down the road.James Rogers, assistant professor at the Noble Foundation in Ar...

Aug. 30, 2016
In virtually all walks of life, we’ve become a society that wants information and wants it now. Waiting is often an option only if there are no other alternatives. Farmers are no different.Last fall...

Aug. 23, 2016
Round bales may just be too convenient.That’s the premise set forth by Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University extension livestock marketing specialist. “Hay production per beef cow has more than...

Aug. 23, 2016
“With many drought-stressed crops harvested early, this may be an ideal year to plant winter triticale to bolster forage supplies,” says Tom Kilcer, a crop consultant and researcher based in...

Aug. 23, 2016
The death of a Wisconsin dairy farmer this past week is a grim reminder that farms provide for a dangerous work environment. Sometimes one with unsuspecting hazards.The young dairy farmer was ov...

Aug. 16, 2016
Butterflies in alfalfa fields may be free and make for a good photo opportunity, but they also can indicate future alfalfa worm-feeding issues. That’s the warning coming out of Central California wh...

Aug. 16, 2016
Through the years, farmers have devised any number of methods to estimate the moisture of cut forage in an attempt to hit the optimum harvest mark...