Feb. 25, 2016
In a job like mine, traveling to meetings and conferences around the country comes with the territory. Following a slug of recent fall and winter forage fests, one of the many things I’v...

Feb. 23, 2016
Pitchers and catchers have reported to their respective camps and that’s a welcomed sign that baseball season is soon to be. It’s also a signal of greening and growing pastures (or soo...

Feb. 19, 2016
Though there is no scientific survey that documents the rising popularity of baled silage, an excursion down rural roads tells us that more and more forage is being harvested in this manner...

Feb. 17, 2016
It's not easy milking 11,000 cows. Put those cows on the Sonora Desert, decide you’re going to grow your own forage, and things really get interesting. Such is life at T & K Red River Dairy...

Feb. 16, 2016
In my many years spent as a county extension agronomist in one of the largest dairy counties in Wisconsin, I heard a lot of reasons to grow brown midrib (BMR) corn and a lot of reasons not to...

Feb. 9, 2016
A number of years ago one of my kids came home with their report card and presented it to me. Embedded alongside the list of class names and numbers were a few B’s and a couple of C’s...

Feb. 2, 2016
Tall fescue, despite its long history as a primary U.S. pasture grass, may still be the most mismanaged and misunderstood perennial forage that we have. The tall fescue story in the U.S. is unm...

Jan. 26, 2016
Visual characteristics of BMR hybrids include a darker stalk and leaf mid-rib. The brown mid-rib (BMR) corn silage market is still nowhere close to that of conventional silage corn, but hyb...

Jan. 26, 2016
Not long ago I was sitting in a farm office talking to a dairy producer about his forage cropping program. Amongst the flurry of questions I asked was, “What is your alfalfa seeding rate?” H...

Jan. 26, 2016
From the standpoint of a dairy ration, there are a lot of players with skin in the game. There's the dairy farmer, who probably has the most at stake from an economic standpoint. But there's also th...