The author is the managing editor for Hay & Forage Grower.

Aug. 25, 2015
It’s time. Time for stockpiling pastures in an effort to extend the grazing season and conserve stored hay reserves. “Stockpiling forage is one of least expensive ways of feeding cattle,”...

Aug. 18, 2015
The dog days of August are upon us, and soon it will be back to school, Labor Day and time for that annual furnace check-up (at least for those of us in the North)...

Aug. 11, 2015
One of the most often discussed, misunderstood and argued topics in the forage production feed chain is the use of silage inoculants...

Aug. 3, 2015
I think, but am not entirely sure, that Congressional Republicans and Democrats would agree on the importance of water for agriculture. For folks in the business of crop production, there is nothing to debate. Those two little hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to oxygen are often the cause of extreme emotional highs and lows. ...

July 28, 2015
I've always liked late summer alfalfa seedings; perhaps it's just loyalty to a practice that got me through graduate school at Iowa State...

July 28, 2015
Though bluegrass is desirable for many lawns and pastures, it generally does not reach such status for alfalfa fields. According to Bruce Anderson, extension agronomist for the University of Nebraska...

July 14, 2015
In 1930 there were nearly 40 million acres of oats harvested for grain in the United States. By contrast, the most recent Census of Agriculture reported that the nation's farmers harvested jus...

July 3, 2015
It somehow seems we have reached a point where alfalfa is often defined as "Roundup Ready" or not; to be sure, glyphosate resistance is a nice tool that expands some management options, specifically weed control...

June 29, 2015
Many regions of the U.S. (sans West Coast) have received copious amounts of rain following the start of what was a pretty ideal early planting season. ...
It’s end of June gut-check time on the Hoard's Dairyman Farm, and though we've had more rain than needed, it’s nothing compared to many of you who are reading this.Corn planted May 8 is looking good as we head down the home stretch of June. Knee high by the Fourth of July won't be a problem. Most of the corn got planted in the May 7 to 9 range. Emergence was excellent and plants were well established before the heaviest rains hit. I was counting plant densities...