Nov. 27, 2019
Water does not contribute to your forage economic value when balancing diets or pricing forage. Instead, the water is dried off, and it’s the grams (g) of nutrients and minerals per 100 g of total feed that drive the economic and nutritional value for your feed per ton...

Sept. 5, 2019
Forage quality is often discussed and written about. Often, through experience, we understand improved fiber and starch digestibility to mean more energy available per pound of silage fed...

May 22, 2019
Working closely with growers the past 10 years, I too often recognized that high-quality forage didn’t materialize with a traditional harvest approach...

March 19, 2019
John GoeserForages bring a variety of different facets to dairy and beef diets. The physically effective fiber and energy values for forages are often the focal point with nutritionists...

Feb. 19, 2019
During the Major League Baseball off-season, the phrase “hot stove league” denotes the period of time when a flurry of team transactions set the stage for the next season...

Jan. 7, 2019
Similar to how my brother (an Air Force pilot) redirects his focus when conditions change, I’ve shifted the focus of my nutrition talks and meetings from discussing ways to boost production or gains...

Nov. 23, 2018
The 2018 corn silage crop is largely in storage. As of the time this article was written, the USDA crop reports had nearly 70 percent of the corn crop rated as good or excellent...

Aug. 31, 2018
In the past six months, Rock River Laboratory has assayed nearly 900 corn silages from across the United States for kernel processing scores (KPS)...

April 30, 2018
In an already challenging agriculture economy, it may seem like this year has little positive to offer — especially if substantial winterkill of forage stands has occurred on your farm...

March 15, 2018
Much like culture varies widely from one region to another, forage quality is known to be strikingly different as well...