July 25, 2024
Taylor Gramm helps to oversee a custom harvesting business that has more forage harvesters than primary clients it chops for...

July 25, 2024
Growing concern has been that many farmers lose too many leaves during the harvesting process...

July 25, 2024
Technology is evolving faster than ever before, and farming technology is no exception...

July 25, 2024
From its headwaters, the Missouri River takes a circuitous route through Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota...

July 23, 2024
Weighing the costs and benefits of an opportunity can be the first step in the decision-making process. Farmers know both sides of this scale hang heavy when that decision pertains to agricultur...

July 16, 2024
There are many routes to high-yielding alfalfa, but few of them don’t go down the potassium road. I was reminded of this after reading a recently published five-year study in Agronomy Journal that w...

July 9, 2024
Adding a farm enterprise is often a complicated and hand-wringing exercise in decision making. But every once in a while, the stars align and an additional enterprise just makes perfect sense with lit...

June 25, 2024
For haymakers, natural rainfall can be the devil or the savior. It’s needed and then not needed. Raindrops on the roof can make us sleep better or not sleep at all. A haymaker’s life is spent pray...

June 10, 2024
It seems many people in the farming and ranching communities are still having a hard time coming to terms with the concept of climate change and what role human beings might play in this process...

May 28, 2024
As demand for quality alfalfa continues to rise, managing weeds remains a critical and ever-present component of successful production, according to Leslie Beck, extension weed specialist at New Mexico State University (NMSU)...