May 28, 2019
A week ago, I emailed the manager at our company’s Hoard’s Dairyman Farm and asked him if they had contemplated cutting alfalfa yet.His response: “We’re going to cut some today, before the rai...

May 22, 2019
Working closely with growers the past 10 years, I too often recognized that high-quality forage didn’t materialize with a traditional harvest approach...

May 22, 2019
Alfalfa is an important livestock feed, especially for dairy production and horses. Genetically-modified (GMO) resistance to glyphosate herbicide became available to farmers in 2011...

May 21, 2019
Most alfalfa producers count on the first harvest in late spring to deliver the highest tonnage and best quality of forage of the year...

May 21, 2019
The bermudagrass stem maggot (BSM; Atherigona reversura Villenueve) has severely damaged bermudagrass pastures and hayfields throughout the southeast U.S. since it was first discovered in southern Georgia...

May 21, 2019
The blue alfalfa aphid is again present in many southwestern U.S. alfalfa fields. Growers and pest control advisers were hoping that 2019 would be a break from the annual battles they have been fighting...

May 21, 2019
I recently rode with a hay seller to a Lancaster, Pa., hay auction and this article came to mind as I graded the quality of the hay, straw, and corn stover loads while buyers were bidding...

May 21, 2019
Planning for next winter’s hay needs is a process that should begin now, before the hustle and bustle of summer arrives. Have you considered the type of hay-binding material you will use?...

May 21, 2019
Name any Upper Midwest state and there’s a good chance widespread alfalfa winterkill is being discussed.Although no year is a good year to be looking at brown alfalfa fields in the spring, the timin...

April 16, 2019
It’s true. When it comes to alfalfa, the holy grail is to achieve high yields, high quality, and a long stand life. The latter is often called persistence.We’ve talked about these production compo...