There are many methods used by growers to determine when and how much to irrigate forages. Some decide to turn the water on after handling a shovel-full of soil...
Whether you are in the business of growing and selling forages or feeding cattle, correctly assigning the economic value of forages can impact profitability...
What makes alfalfa such an interesting crop to study and try to understand is what also makes it so frustrating.I quit trying to predict alfalfa winterkill years ago...
BALEAGE, or making silage in bales of wilted forage that are wrapped in plastic to create an anaerobic environment, allows for the more timely harvest of forage crops...
Whether you are in the business of growing and selling forages or feeding cattle, correctly assigning the economic value of forages can impact profitability...
Craig Sheaffer has worked with alfalfa his entire academic career. The University of Minnesota researcher can reel off a bevy of advantages that alfalfa adds to a farm’s cropping and feeding systems...
Photo: Robert Webster There are lots of things in life that rarely occur. The Chicago Cubs, for example, take home a World Series title about once per century. The Kansas City Chiefs are particip...