Four years. That’s how long the HarvXtra trait has been in the alfalfa grower’s toolbox and likewise growing in farm fields. I know of at least one farmer who has 1,200 acres of HarvXtra alfalfa i...
Alfalfa has long been a staple forage across most of United States. That “most” could be changed to “all” if not for the Southeastern states where alfalfa has historically been a nonfactor in...
Wherever I traveled this summer, a common theme was that the spring and early summer were extremely wet. This caused problems getting any high-quality hay made, but it also was problematic from the st...
After working and agonizing to keep alfalfa stands productive for multiple years, producers know the time will come when all fields must be terminated in a Rambo-like manner. The term “p...
If corn is king, then alfalfa is the queen of forages. Corn silage and alfalfa complement one another well in forage cropping systems for dairy/livestock systems...
Along with reduced irrigation water supplies, soil salinity is a major problem facing irrigated agriculture in the western United States, particularly as we confront a warming climate...
If you drive through any agriculture-based town and stop into the local coffee shop, I can almost guarantee that there will be at least four or five conversations about the weather...
While champion bovines are being named on the colored wood shavings at World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis., each October, the best of the best in forages are also competing for a title of...
From my travels around the U.S., it has become obvious that orchardgrass is a foundational perennial forage in many livestock systems where adequate moisture (rain or irrigation) and moderate temperat...
August 6, 2019 • The current U.S. Drought Monitor shows only 3.5 percent of the continental U.S. under some level of drought. This compares to 34 percent from one year ago. No area is c...