Like many of you reading this, I cut my haymaking teeth spending many summer hours pulling a sickle cutterbar mower, generally over stone-infested terrain. My next move up in the world was riding self...
It’s no secret that animal rights activists have caused more than their fair share of consternation for livestock producers over the years. Despite some underhanded methods and often exaggerated cla...
All-hay and alfalfa February hay price averages both continued their 2018 climb, according to last week’s USDA Agricultural Prices report. The all-hay price was up $4 per ton from January to $143; t...
Each spring we take a tour around the country to see what’s going on in the world of farm custom rate surveys. These custom rate guides are popular documents in those states that continue to do the survey legwork. During my county extension agent days, questions regarding how much to charge for various field operations were second only to questions concerning how much to charge for land rent.As is the case each year, several states have updated their information...
Well, someday it will. In the February issue of Hay & Forage Grower, I shared a story about Reed Edwards, a South Carolina farmer who had been growing sericea lespedeza hay for about 10 years. E...
Scott Barao oversees Hedgeapple Farm, which markets beef from about 150 grass-fed and finished head per year. Profitability and environmental stewardship drive the farm’s operational model...
The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has posted U.S. hay export totals for 2017 and the news on the export front continues to be largely positive...
For as long as I have been a forage agronomist and now a journalist, one question that continues to get asked each spring is, “Can I plant alfalfa after alfalfa?” Related to this inquiry is the qu...