Feb. 15, 2018
The USDA has issued its hay report card for 2017, and depending on your point of view, the results are either positive or negative...

Feb. 15, 2018
I meet a lot of people at forage meetings during the course of a year. Never has anyone broached the subject of sericea lespedeza . . . that’s until I met Reed Edwards at a Georgia hay conference...

Feb. 13, 2018
The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has posted U.S. hay export totals for 2017 and the news on the export front continues to be largely positive. Total exports of alfalfa and other hay (think...

Feb. 6, 2018
Over 7,000 cattlemen and supporting agribusiness personnel converged on Phoenix, Ariz., last week for the 2018 Cattle Industry Convention and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Trade Show...

Jan. 30, 2018
A plethora of research activity is completed or ongoing examining the virtues and economics of the HarvXtra alfalfa trait. For the most part, this trait has proven to perform as advertised.Most of the...

Jan. 23, 2018
In the various humid regions across the United States, clover species bring a commonality to the miles of separation. Their adaptability to a variety of soils and growing conditions makes them a found...

Jan. 16, 2018
Recently, I was asked to judge a grazing management essay contest. The entrants ranged from ages 14 to 22. While impressed by the quality of writing and knowledge conveyed by many of the entrants...

Jan. 16, 2018
The days of guessing about 2017 hay production and inventories have come to an end.On January 12, USDA released their Crop Production and Crop Production Annual Summary reports. Combined, they offer a...

Jan. 15, 2018
Perhaps no flowering legume catches the eye more than crimson clover. Native to southern Europe, farmers and ranchers in the southern United States noted its value as a green manure and grazing crop by the mid-1850s...

Jan. 9, 2018
Drex Gauntt is not a farmer who fears technology. To the contrary — he embraces it as an income generator, a tool to more efficiently use water, a way to better manage his time, and for the benefit...