Feb. 15, 2018
Turkeys and dairy farms or feedyards shouldn’t be mentioned in the same sentence. However, some farmers feed turkeys and birds in addition to feeding their dairy cows or feedlot cattle...

Jan. 15, 2018
In today’s society, many times we focus on the norm and the average. Think about the number of times you’ve read my or others’ work discussing what “average” forage looks like...

Nov. 27, 2017
Alternative forages may be profitable, but digestible energy per acre is key to their true value...

Aug. 25, 2017
Corn silage kernel processing score (KPS) continues along with brown midrib (BMR) corn silage and politics as the most heated topics discussed among forage growers, dairy producers, and consulta...

April 30, 2017
Understanding and managing a farm’s inventory should not differ much in concept from that of a grocery store. While the products will be quite different, the end goal is the same. The grocery...

March 1, 2017
Feed thrives on consistency — from the feed and forage testing lab, to the silo, to the mixer, to the feedbunk, and into the barn or parlor...

Feb. 27, 2017
The 2016 crop year was interesting from the East to West. Forage ash, some of which is soil contamination, and anti-nutrition factors (for example, mold, yeast, mycotoxins, and negative bacteria...

Feb. 15, 2017
Yield versus quality: What is more important? Which is easier to comprehend? When interacting and facilitating discussions during forage planning meetings, the conversations regarding yield...

Nov. 2, 2016
There are different paths to optimal forage quality and animal performance for hay and haylage crops versus corn silage. With hay and haylage crops, cutting the crop at the correct plant maturity is a major decision that will substantially influence resulting quality...

Nov. 1, 2016
Fermentation is a wonderful process, and fermented feeds can be successfully stored for years. For example, following a drought and lesser forage inventories within the Midwest several years ago...