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Feb. 18, 2019
A recent University of Nebraska–Lincoln study demonstrated that SHREDLAGE® corn silage, produced exclusively by the CLAAS JAGUAR forage harvester, improved average daily gains and feed-to-gain ratio...

Jan. 12, 2016
A 12-week feeding trial completed in New York in 2015 compared shredlage and conventionally processed corn silage. The study results were recently reported by Sally Flis, feed and crops support specia...

Sept. 1, 2015
Ross Dale: Co-founder and manager of Shredlage LLC, Oskaloosa, Iowa...

June 4, 2015
CLAAS, the internationally leading manufacturer of self-propelled forage harvesters, has entered into an agreement with the U.S. company Shredlage, L.L.C. regarding its Shredlage technology. Shredlage, L.L.C. is the developer of a special conditioning process for corn silage in the CLAAS JAGUAR forage harvester...