According to Wikipedia, a world-renowned authority (insert sarcasm here) on everything, the Goldilocks principle is named based on an analogy to the children's story "The Three Bears." The tal...
Measuring forage yield has never been easy, at least compared to weighing grain crops off the combine. During my university extension days, I spent many years dragging around heavy pad scales, one per...
The family of sorghum crops was once considered fodder for those who farmed in more arid regions of the U.S. and really had few other mid-summer forage alternatives.That line of thinking has gone the...
Through the years, we’ve made great strides in evaluating forage quality. With each passing new discovery and resulting new forage metric, we think we’ve got it figured out...
Although growers in the West and the South are well underway with this year’s alfalfa harvest, those in the Northern half of the U.S. are still greasing their mowers...
The U.S. haymow is about 12% emptier today than it was one year ago.Based on USDA’s Crop Production report released last week, May 1 hay stocks dropped by almost 2.5 million tons...
Soil pH is often the first metric to be considered when assessing a soil’s ability to support economic crop production. The acidity of a soil impacts both nutrient sufficiency and potential toxicity...