A new year always brings new opportunities. One of those opportunities is to simply do a better job of making hay, resulting in higher quality and improved yields...
The average price of U.S. alfalfa hay in January edged up $2 per ton, following a previous $2 per ton bump in December. The $171 per ton January price was $2 per ton above one year ago...
Whole cottonseed has a high level of both energy and protein, which makes it an all-purpose supplement that can help overcome deficiencies of each when cattle are grazing stockpiled tall fescue-based pastures during winter...
It was 1984 when David Hinman had recently broken away from his family’s farm in Nebraska and took a chance on renting 400 acres of flood-irrigated land near Wheatland, Wyo...
Lurking in every load of corn silage brought to the silo are wild yeasts. These microorganisms are a specific type of fungi that occur naturally on all plants and may be active with or without oxygen...
Similar to that 30-year-old tattoo of an ex-girlfriend’s name that seemed like a good idea at the time, some things just hang around beyond their useful life...
Searching for a silver bullet that will preserve wetter than desired hay has been a pastime for private companies, researchers, and hay producers for many years...