The spring flush is fast approaching as days grow longer and temperatures get warmer. Despite an abundance of forage, though, spring pastures are often deficient in a key mineral: magnesium. This can...
Cool-season grass pastures are almost always going to go dormant and cease growth at some point during the summer. It’s a fact that most graziers live with, and the good ones have predetermined plan...
“Think big, start small, and scale fast.” This was the advice Jim Carroll gave the audience at the Cattle Industry Convention in Orlando, Fla., about implementing new agricultural tech...
The above average temperatures spanning across the central states are likely bringing first hay cutting and grazing start dates to mind. Whether spring soil testing is in order and/or fert...
Frost-seeding season has begun, and it can sometimes be tempting to save a trip across the field by mixing the seed with dry fertilizer before broadcasting. Based on research at the University of Kent...
The agricultural industry is often under scrutiny for its greenhouse gas emissions — more specifically, its methane emissions from ruminants like cattle. But this methane belongs to a natural cycle...
Cool-season annual grasses such as cereals and ryegrass are widely used at various times in the growing season, depending on location. In the South, they are often seeded in the fall for late-fall and...
Feed costs make up the largest piece of the expense pie for cow-calf operations. While this slice comprises the total cost of grazing, hay production, and supplemental feed, focusing on the former fac...
Sulfur is a key component of many plant compounds and processes. The nutrient is found in two amino acids that are used for protein synthesis, and it is critical for chlorophyll production...