Aug. 1, 2023
Simple fact: Many farmers pull the trigger too early on drought-challenged corn for silage and either chop the immature plants or disk them under...

July 25, 2023
A dry start to the growing season made for smooth sailing as many hay producers cut forage without worrying their crop would be rained on...

July 25, 2023
The summer slump has likely struck in pastures or hayfields with cool-season forage species...

July 18, 2023
Forage regrowth after a hay harvest tends to be rather uniform considering the cut height was the same across the stand...

July 18, 2023
Although it takes a little time and investment, ammoniating low-quality hay, cornstalks, or straw can help improve its protein content and digestibility...

July 11, 2023
Although it doesn’t necessarily have to rain for one to take a rain check, the figure of speech implies a change of plans...

July 11, 2023
Photo: University of MinnesotaWith a historically dry start to the summer, farmers would probably appreciate any form of rain in their forage stands...

July 4, 2023
Farming is a game of Plan B’s as often Plan A needs to be scrapped because of weather or other uncontrollable events...

July 4, 2023
Potato leafhoppers have maintained a low profile so far this year, but they may soon make their presence known...

June 27, 2023
The second cutting of alfalfa may be underway for some farmers and is fast approaching for others...