Chopping small grains in the spring is one way to bolster silage supplies for the rest of the year, but doing so can invoke a lot of questions and options...
As is the case with harvest timing, cutting height makes a difference in terms of yield and persistence. But there are options and distinct differences between alfalfa and grasses...
We’ve already heard some reports of frost- and freeze-damaged alfalfa this spring. More will likely come. Although regional, frost or freeze-induced injury to alfalfa seems to occur every year.Frost...
Forage stands can tell a story about previous pasture management. Although the story may start at the beginning of the growing season, strategic grazing and timely harvests throughout the summer can d...
Don’t be fooled by the white flowers scattered across pastures and sprinkled along fence lines — they could be poison hemlock. This biennial weed grows quickly in the spring and can pack a t...
When Saudi-owned Fondomonte Arizona LLC began alfalfa production operations in western Arizona about eight years ago, there was a lot of pushback from both farmers and other nonfarm entities. Th...