In his book, “Fundamentals of Weed Science,” author Robert Zimdahl relates a story about British General John B. Burgoyne. The British had planned to divide the states along the Hudson River. Burg...
Corn silage harvest season is upon us, and with that comes the opportunity to capitalize on the labor, management, and economic investment of prior months. Of course, that also means there is equal op...
Sometimes grazing cattle need help reaching their nutrient needs with supplemental feed. And when dry weather puts a damper on forage growth, supplementation must become a bigger priority...
Making hay in the Upper Midwest can be a game of chance. Receiving rain at any point during the drying period can negatively affect forage quality, and this excess moisture can raise the risk of...
Despite a few species-specific differences, horse owners can follow many of the same grazing practices cattle producers adhere to during drought. Doing so will limit damage to perennial forage stands...
Fertilizer can be a critical piece in the forage production puzzle whether it is applied during stand establishment, after a hay harvest, or as a maintenance application. Although fertilizer costs had...
Extension specialists from North Dakota State University (NDSU) encourage farmers who plan to bale graze during late fall and winter to begin placing bales where they will be needed. Moving bales from...
It seems drought has dominated the agricultural news feed for several years. Extended dry weather can dramatically reduce hay yields, but wet weather or simply baling hay that is too high in moisture...
As we enter the second half of summer, relief may be on the way for cool-season forages as temperatures start to favor plant growth again in some regions. Even with cooler weather in the extended fore...
Whether dry conditions deter forage growth or rainfall shortens the harvest window, farmers may have a hay crop that is lower in yield or quality than they anticipated this year...