Carbon is fundamental to all life. It forms the backbone structure of carbohydrates (composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), which are the initial products from the miraculous process of photosynthesis...
Cornstalks become a major source of forage on some farms during the fall — especially if the previous growing season conditions limited pasture growth or hay production...
Graziers from across the country recently gathered in Hershey, Pa., for the Grassfed Exchange. From grass-fed beef and organic dairy to pasture-raised poultry, sheep, and goats, the types of farms rep...
More than 70 cattle were recently reported dead after grazing johnsongrass in southwest Missouri. While prussic acid was deemed the most likely cause of death, diagnosticians did consider nitrate toxi...
I talk with a lot of farmers and ranchers all across the country who are trying to transition away from hay dependence toward more dormant-season grazing...
As we wrap up the 2023 growing season, it’s easy to focus on other areas of farm and ranch enterprises, but there are still opportunities to make improvements to pastures...
Its complexities are many. It is both a blessing and a curse . . . loved and hated. Many have trouble living with it, but they would never engage the thought of living without it. This is the world of...
Miller Adams created 50-foot corridors between every 50 feet of trees in his silvopasture system. He then seeded the open areas to switchgrass to promote better forage production during the summer...
Making a drought management plan months before the grazing season begins is like having a head start in a race; however, it’s not too late to step up to the starting line...