Even with all of the economic and environmental advantages of producing alfalfa, sometimes winter injury or death can prematurely terminate hardy perennial alfalfa stands. About this time every year...
If you missed the opportunity to get winter annual cereals planted last fall, spring-planted oats often make for a good Plan B if you’ll quickly need additional grazing or haying acres. Beef sp...
There are several options to establish legumes into perennial grass sods. One method is to frost seed early in the spring while the grasses are still dormant. Another strategy is to interseed legumes...
Photo: Noble Research Institute Cool-season annual grasses are used by producers across the Great Plains, but the forage comes with several downsides. Some of the concerns include delayed plantin...
Double cropping annual forages is a good way to boost profits and provide extra pasture for livestock. However, it takes some planning, timely operations, and adequate rainfall at the right time.Bruce...
Photo: Auburn University While areas of the U.S. are still in the depths of winter’s cold and snow, some Southeast states are being deluged with rain. As a result, flooding and extensive water...
Pitchers and catchers report to Major League baseball spring training camps this week. Beginning in the South, that’s a cue to be thinking about frost seeding pastures to bolster both productivity a...
Annual ryegrass is typically seen as a high-quality, cool-season forage and is utilized by many livestock producers for winter grazing. However, the annual forage can also become a weed issue in warm-...
There was a day when establishing alfalfa with a cereal grain companion crop was a standard operating procedure; then, better herbicide options were brought to market.Although companion crops are not...
The health and body condition of cows during late pregnancy is critical to their overall health and that of their calves. The body condition of a cow during its last trimester also affects subsequent...