There are strong opinions on whether grasses should or shouldn't be included when seeding alfalfa. There certainly are advantages and disadvantages regardless of which approach is taken...
"Alfalfa is actually a difficult crop to irrigate," noted Steve Orloff, University of California farm adviser for Siskiyou County. At an Alfalfa Irrigation Workshop held prior to the Wes...
USDA's November Agricultural Prices report pegged the average U.S. price for all types and quality grades of hay in October at $146 per ton, up $1 per ton from September but $25 per ton...
The negative impacts of fescue toxicosis caused by a fungal endophyte are well documented. Signs of toxicosis induced by fescue include rough hair coats; elevated body temperatures; severe heat stress...
Machinery leasing can be a viable alternative to buying but there are some important aspects to consider before making a final decision. According to Tina Barrett, executive director of Nebraska Farm...
The average farm labor wage earned during the reference week of October 11 to 17, 2015, was $12.82 per hour, according to USDA's Farm Labor report released last week...
In its 30th annual estimate of the cost for a Thanksgiving Day dinner, the American Farm Bureau Federation pegged this year's feast for 10 people at $50.11, up 70 cents from 2014...
Many of us in the North have already experienced consecutive November days of over 70°F. That really shouldn't happen. Though we can sarcastically point to El Niño, the National Oceanic and Atmosph...
For the second consecutive year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has allocated dollars for alfalfa research to the tune of $1.2 million...
Researcher Russ Jessup has been working on the development of a dual-purpose, high-yielding grass that can be used for both forage and bioenergy. Jessup, a Texas A & M AgriLife Research grass bree...