Farming can be just as much about crop and livestock production as it is about personal growth. Learning from mistakes, taking opportunities, and having aspirations is what moves farm businesses forwa...
When I started my forage career back in 1986, directing farmers to a good variety with high-quality seed was easy. I’d simply tell them to “select certified seed of an improved variety.”...
Cattle are prey animals with evolved senses and behaviors to protect themselves from predation. On the contrary, the grizzly bear is the poster child for wildlife predator. So, how does the plaintiff...
It’s a rare occurrence for agriculture and baseball to come to a crossroads in pop culture, but that is what happened in the 1989 movie “Field of Dreams.” Although it might be a stret...
Every once in a while, I can appreciate a good scare, but fear is not my preferred state of emotion. I think many farmers can agree that unwanted surprises and unexpected outcomes are not welcome in m...
High-quality forage is important for any dairy but none so much as a so-called grass-fed dairy where grasses and legumes make up 100% of the ration. Jeremy Peake of Waukon, Iowa, has been p...
Montana livestock producers typically require two to four months of stored feed to overwinter cattle, and this is generally the largest annual variable cost to ranches...