Feb. 15, 2022
Making hay on your own farm or purchasing hay from a trusted neighbor generally means that you can be pretty sure of what you’re getting. When hay inventories are stressed in a region such as the No...

Feb. 8, 2022
If you found yourself coming up a little short on grazing material for growing animals this past fall and early winter, researchers at the University of Nebraska can offer some information to possibly...

Feb. 7, 2022
The year was 2008, and the cost of urea nitrogen was tipping the scales at over 60 cents per pound. Only a few years earlier, it was 30 cents per pound. Farmers were ready to rebel...

Feb. 7, 2022
Every August, the most powerful of tractors assemble in Bowling Green, Ohio, for the National Tractor Pulling Championships...

Feb. 7, 2022
The annual release of hay and forage data by USDA that defines the previous year’s hay production and year-ending inventories last month...

Feb. 1, 2022
For many Western alfalfa growers, rodents fall into a major pest category right along with insects, diseases, and weeds...

Feb. 1, 2022
With China being the source of many of our livestock vitamin supplies, the cost of vitamin supplementation has taken a significant turn upward during the past couple of years...

Jan. 25, 2022
The cost of nitrogen fertilizer impacts everything from the economic optimum application rate for corn to the value of manure...

Jan. 18, 2022
The annual release of hay and forage data by USDA that defines the previous year’s hay production and year-ending inventories arrived in email inboxes last Thursday...

Jan. 18, 2022
With fertilizer currently priced at about $1 per unit of nitrogen, farmers and extension specialists are turning over every rock to try to find economical means of producing forage without buying a lot of nitrogen...