Sorghum and its many variations now appear in fields across the U.S. with virtually no latitude or longitude limitations when hybrids are properly selected. Their ability to tolerate drought, generate...
Snow cover on alfalfa has always been considered a desired situation. It insulates the plants and soil to keep temperatures from hitting the high and low extremes of air temperatures during winter...
Although logistic challenges were plentiful in 2021, hay exports in 2021 totaled 4.26 million metric tons (MT), eclipsing the previous record of 4.19 million MT set in 2017. For the third consec...
Making hay on your own farm or purchasing hay from a trusted neighbor generally means that you can be pretty sure of what you’re getting. When hay inventories are stressed in a region such as the No...
If you found yourself coming up a little short on grazing material for growing animals this past fall and early winter, researchers at the University of Nebraska can offer some information to possibly...
The year was 2008, and the cost of urea nitrogen was tipping the scales at over 60 cents per pound. Only a few years earlier, it was 30 cents per pound. Farmers were ready to rebel...
With China being the source of many of our livestock vitamin supplies, the cost of vitamin supplementation has taken a significant turn upward during the past couple of years...