The benefits of alfalfa as a feedstuff, soil enhancer, and nitrogen contributor are well known here on Earth. Someday, some of those same benefits may be leveraged on Mars...
Throughout Northern U.S. dairy regions, forage harvester hay heads will soon be replaced with those of a corn silage ilk, and processor rolls will be cranked down...
Reflecting back to fifth-grade science class, you might recall that the Earth rotates on an axis of about 23.5 degrees. We live on a planet that is just a little off kilter, so to speak...
Brian Mumm seeded down more than his usual number of alfalfa acres this year. He didn’t need to because he also raises 3,800 acres of high-value row crops with his father, Paul...
The COVID-19 pandemic shut down world economies for extended periods and continues to have a long tail. Ramping back up hasn’t been easy as evidenced by production challenges of goods and services...
Widespread conversion of pasture acres to alfalfa is never going to occur, nor should it. It’s not uncommon to see alfalfa as a component of a pasture mix or, in some cases, a primary grazing species...
Alfalfa has always been a crop that is more than happy to tell you when it’s hurting. There’s the distinctive “hopperburn” from potato leafhoppers, a funky looking “shepherd’s hook...