April 19, 2022
Whether we’re discussing people or forages, diversity is a present-day buzzword that permeates both the written and spoken word...

April 12, 2022
The greening of America has begun, even for the Northern states. The spring flush of grass is a welcomed sight as the days of long underwear and frozen net wrap bid adieu...

April 12, 2022
Hitting the desired harvest stage of maturity on any forage crop is difficult, but perhaps no class offers a greater challenge than small grains...

April 5, 2022
A lack of moisture is something that must be planned for, not reacted to. Without a plan, pastures often suffer severe overgrazing, which results in both short- and long-term damage...

April 5, 2022
The down-up-down-up trend continued in February as the average alfalfa hay price rose by $3 per ton, according to USDA’s Agricultural Prices report. The alfalfa hay price range has volleyed between...

April 5, 2022
On many farms, silage and haylage are the primary forms of forage harvest and preservation...

March 29, 2022
Custom rate guides are welcomed resources in those states that continue to do the survey legwork; unfortunately, many do not...

March 29, 2022
Ionophores such as monensin have been a part of the beef production landscape for nearly 50 years. Their value as a performance enhancer in finishing cattle is well documented...

March 22, 2022
It’s been well-documented that alfalfa yields have not improved at the rates seen in other agronomic crops over the past 50 years...

March 22, 2022
In the Southern Great Plains, winter wheat is a staple grazing forage in the fall and spring. For some producers, wheat serves as a bridge to perennial pastures while others will use the wheat crop as forage and grain...