Photo: Robert WebsterFew pests are more aptly named than the blister beetle. These insects have cantharidin in their blood — a toxic chemical that can cause painful, fluid-filled blisters upon skin...
Like any crop, corn for silage doesn’t always grow to realize its full production potential. Whether wet conditions delay planting or drought weaken yields, producers need a backup plan in case corn...
When we talk about clovers for haying or grazing, species such as red clover, white clover, ladino clover, alsike clover, crimson clover, and others come to the immediate forefront...
There are a lot of balls in the air when it comes to managing forage for stand longevity. Plant diseases, weed pressure, and weather are inevitable interferences, but cutting height, which also impact...
Prussic acid poisoning is usually a concern in the fall when animals graze after a frost. However, this type of toxicity can also develop in forages during a drought...
No matter the type of operation, high feed, fuel, and fertilizer prices have producers of every kind asking how they can cut back on expenses. Luckily for cow-calf producers, creep grazing might...