Some of Jason Van Kooten’s earliest memories are of sitting on the back window ledge of a Farmall 1466 tractor, pulling a chopper while alfalfa was being chopped for his grandfather’s dairy cows...
Somewhere at the intersection of dry hay and chopped haylage you’ll find baleage, and that crossroads is getting more crowded with each passing year...
If you find yourself stuck in a pack of vehicles cruising down State Route 15 near Bryan, Ohio, odds are you’ve just entered Friedel Family Farms territory...
Seeding alfalfa in the spring, with or without a small grain companion crop, remains the popular approach for stand establishment in much of the northern United States...
Harvesting high-quality forage is a challenge. Consistently harvesting high-quality forage is . . . well . . . an even bigger challenge. Some operations seem to have largely mastered the latter hurdle...
Bales Hay in Buckeye, Ariz., is one of the first farms in the U.S. to adopt steaming technology for small bales. One-pass hay steamer technology is nothing new to Western haymakers...